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    Brad Beckham

    Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at OO'Reilly Automotive Inc
    Since January 1, 2024
    46 years
    Has been with ORLY for 28 years since 1996, progressing from a Parts Specialist through roles including Store Manager, District Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Vice President, Vice President of Eastern Store Operations and Sales, Senior Vice President roles, Executive Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, and Co-President until his promotion to CEO in January 2024.

    Also at O'Reilly Automotive Inc

    Brent Kirby
    Jeremy Fletcher
    Executive Vice President and CFO
    Scott R. Ross
    Executive Vice President and CIO


    Brad Beckham has spent nearly three decades at ORLY, demonstrating a deep commitment to the company and its operations. Over the course of 28 years, he has honed a diverse set of skills by taking on multiple roles that have allowed him to contribute significantly to the organization’s success.

    He started his career as a Parts Specialist in 1996 and steadily rose through the ranks by embracing increasing responsibilities. His journey through roles such as Store Manager, District Manager, Regional Manager, and various Vice Presidential positions underscores a career built on determination and a passion for operational excellence.

    As a leader, his ascent to the Chief Executive Officer position in January 2024 reflects a strategic succession plan and a profound understanding of the industry. Known for his focus on customer service and his commitment to ORLY’s culture, he not only leads the company toward future growth but also embodies the values and legacy that have defined ORLY throughout the years.

    $ORLY Performance Under Brad Beckham

    Past Roles

    OrganizationRoleDate RangeDetails
    ORLY Co-President N/A Held prior to promotion to CEO in January 2024
    ORLY Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer N/A
    ORLY Executive Vice President of Store Operations and Sales N/A
    ORLY Senior Vice President of Central Store Operations N/A
    ORLY Senior Vice President of Eastern Store Operations and Sales N/A
    ORLY Vice President of Eastern Store Operations and Sales N/A
    ORLY Divisional Vice President N/A
    ORLY Regional Manager N/A
    ORLY District Manager N/A
    ORLY Store Manager N/A
    ORLY Parts Specialist N/A

    Fixed Compensation

    Data from  FY 2023
    Component NameAmountPayment ScheduleAdditional Details
    Base Salary$744,231 Annual 2023Fixed annual base salary
    Company Contributions to Deferred Plan$1,212 2023Included in All Other Compensation
    Company Contributions to 401(k) Plan$11,000 2023Included in All Other Compensation
    Medical Insurance Premium Reimbursement$775 2023Included in All Other Compensation
    Value of Company-Paid Group Term Life Insurance$6,465 2023Included in All Other Compensation
    Discount from Employee Stock Purchase Plan$6,600 2023Included in All Other Compensation
    Allowance for Personal Automobile$8,770 2023Included in All Other Compensation

    Performance Compensation

    Data from  FY 2023

    Performance Metrics and Targets

    MetricWeight (%) Threshold Target Actual Achievement (%)
    Comparable Store Sales30 3.5% 5.0% 7.9% 78.4
    Operating Income30 $2,993,000 $3,083,000 $3,186,376 58.7
    Return on Invested Capital (ROIC)20 65.56% 72.16% 74.50% 25.3
    Free Cash Flow20 $1,694,000 $2,092,000 $1,987,720 14.8

    Overall, the total achievement reached 177.2%.

    Incentive Compensation Details

    Base Salary for IncentiveBase salary used to calculate target incentive compensation$750,000
    Target Incentive CompensationSet at 100% of base salary$750,000
    Actual Incentive PayoutActual performance payout based on achievement$1,329,271 (177.2% of target)
    Maximum Achievement CapMaximum multiplier allowed under the plan5 times annual base salary
    Maximum PayoutMaximum possible payout under the plan$10,000,000 per participant

    Stock Options (Share-based Compensation)

    Grant DateDate the stock options were grantedFebruary 2, 2023
    Number of OptionsTotal options granted2,375 options
    Exercise PricePrice per share to exercise the option$805.66
    Grant Date Fair ValueFair value of the granted options on the grant date$750,154
    Vesting ScheduleVesting over four years: 25% after one year, 50% after two years, 75% after three years, 100% after four years25% at 1 year, 50% at 2 years, 75% at 3 years, 100% at 4 years

    Evaluation Period and Conditions

    • Evaluation Period: All performance metrics were evaluated during the 2023 performance period.
    • Conditions: The incentive compensation plan conditions required exceeding specific thresholds for each metric, with each metric carrying a defined weight contributing to the overall achievement. Exceeding targets on one or more metrics contributed to the final payout.