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With the uncertainties surrounding the timing of the 2025 General Rate Case decision, how confident are you in receiving a final decision in the first half of next year, and what are the potential implications for your capital plan and earnings growth if there are delays?
Considering the upcoming cost of capital proceedings amid rising interest rates, how do you plan to secure favorable cost of capital determinations, and what impact could this have on your 5% to 7% earnings growth projections through 2028?
Given the significant capital investments required for your upcoming ERP and AMI projects totaling over $2 billion, what challenges do you anticipate in obtaining regulatory approval, and how might delays affect your capital expenditure plans and earnings trajectory?
With over $2 billion in FERC transmission projects that have long lead times extending beyond 2028, how are you managing potential regulatory and construction delays, and what effects could these delays have on meeting electrification demands and your future earnings?
In light of the recent increase in the nuclear decommissioning trust estimate to $2.3 billion, are there any potential risks to your future cash flows or unforeseen liabilities, and how do you plan to address these to maintain your financial stability?