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    Hamilton Insurance Group Ltd (HG)

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    Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. (HG) is a global specialty insurance and reinsurance company founded in Bermuda in 2013. The company focuses on delivering sustainable underwriting profitability and significant shareholder value. HG operates through two main segments, International and Bermuda, offering a range of property, casualty, and specialty insurance and reinsurance products globally, supported by proprietary technology and a team of over 550 employees.

    1. International Segment - Provides property, casualty, and specialty insurance and reinsurance through operations in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and the United States. Includes the Hamilton Global Specialty and Hamilton Select platforms, focusing on medium to large-sized accounts and niche U.S. Excess & Surplus (E&S) markets.

      • Hamilton Global Specialty - Offers commercial specialty and casualty insurance, as well as specialty reinsurance products, primarily through Lloyd’s Syndicate 4000 and Hamilton Insurance DAC.
      • Hamilton Select - Focuses on casualty insurance for small to mid-sized clients in the U.S. E&S market, targeting hard-to-place risks.
    2. Bermuda Segment - Provides property, casualty, and specialty reinsurance globally through the Hamilton Re platform. Offers high excess Bermuda market specialty insurance products, primarily for large U.S. commercial risks.

    NamePositionStart DateShort Bio
    Giuseppina (Pina) AlboChief Executive Officer, Director2018-01-22Giuseppina (Pina) Albo has served as CEO and a member of the Board of Directors at Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. since January 22, 2018. She began her career as a lawyer in Toronto, Canada, followed by a 25-year tenure at Munich Re, where she held increasingly senior positions.
    Alex BakerGroup Chief Risk Officer2022Alex Baker has served as Group Chief Risk Officer at Hamilton Insurance Group since 2022. He joined the company in 2016, initially serving as Chief Risk Officer and Chief Actuary at Hamilton Global Specialty before being promoted to his current role.
    Keith BernhardGroup Chief Audit Officer2014Keith Bernhard has served as Group Chief Audit Officer of Hamilton Insurance Group since 2014. He has over 20 years of experience in audit and risk management.
    Gemma CarreiroGroup General Counsel, Secretary2017Gemma Carreiro has served as Group General Counsel and Secretary of Hamilton Insurance Group since 2017. Prior to joining Hamilton, she was Secretary to the Board of PartnerRe Ltd. and General Counsel to its Bermuda subsidiaries.
    Adrian DawsChief Executive Officer, Hamilton Global Specialty2020Adrian Daws has served as Chief Executive Officer at Hamilton Global Specialty since 2020. Prior to this role, he was the Active Underwriter of Syndicate 400 and Syndicate 3334 at Hamilton Re.
    Brian DeeganGroup Chief Accounting Officer2021Brian Deegan joined Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. in 2020 and has served as the Group Chief Accounting Officer since 2021. Prior to joining Hamilton, he was the Global Head of Finance and Treasury at Tokio Millennium Re.
    Daniel FisherGroup Head of Human Resources, Communications & Culture2018Daniel Fisher has served as the Group Head of Human Resources, Communications & Culture at Hamilton since 2018. Before joining Hamilton, he was the Global Head of Human Resources at the International Swaps & Derivatives Association (ISDA).
    Craig HowieGroup Chief Financial Officer & Chief Investment Officer2021-04-27Craig Howie has served as Group Chief Financial Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Hamilton Insurance Group, Ltd. since April 27, 2021. He has over 34 years of global (re)insurance industry experience.
    Venkat KrishnamoorthyGroup Chief Technology Officer & Group Chief Data Officer2019Venkat Krishnamoorthy joined Hamilton Insurance Group in 2019 as the Group Chief Technology Officer and Group Chief Data Officer. Before joining Hamilton, he was the Chief Technology Officer at Coleman Research.
    Anita KuchmaChief Executive Officer, Hamilton Select2022Anita Kuchma has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Hamilton Select Insurance Inc. since 2022. Before joining Hamilton, she worked at Munich Re America for 16 years.
    Jonathan LevensonGroup Treasurer and Head of Investor Relations2023Jonathan Levenson serves as Group Treasurer and Head of Investor Relations at Hamilton Insurance Group, having joined the company in 2023 as Senior Vice President of Finance and Investor Relations. Prior to this, he was Senior Vice President and Head of Investor Relations for Everest Re Group, Ltd..
    Megan ThomasChief Executive Officer, Hamilton Re2020Megan Thomas has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Hamilton Re since 2020. Prior to joining Hamilton, she was the Chief Underwriting Officer of Reinsurance for AXIS Capital from 2018 to 2020.
    1. "Given the increased competition in the London market, particularly in lines like cyber, D&O, and large global property placements, how do you plan to sustain growth and maintain underwriting discipline without sacrificing market share?"

    2. "With the expense ratio improving for several consecutive years, do you believe there's still room for further reductions, or have you reached a terminal level of efficiency?"

    3. "The International segment's underlying loss ratio increased to 55.3% this quarter due to business mix and more conservative assumptions on social inflation; is this elevated loss ratio indicative of future run rates, and how do you plan to manage this?"

    4. "Despite favorable reserve development overall, there was unfavorable casualty reserve development this quarter due to a large loss from Q4 2023; can you elaborate on the causes and implications for your reserve adequacy?"

    5. "Your growth in the International segment was lower this quarter due to underwriting discipline and pressure on premium in cyber; how do you balance the need for growth with maintaining pricing and underwriting standards in competitive markets?"

    Program DetailsProgram 1
    Approval DateAugust 7, 2024
    End Date/DurationUntil full repurchase or earlier termination
    Total additional amount$150 million
    Remaining authorization amount$139.998 million as of September 30, 2024
    DetailsIntended to repurchase undervalued shares for shareholder benefit