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    Daniel E. Pinto

    President and Chief Operating Officer at JJPMorgan Chase & Co
    Since January 2022
    62 years
    Holds a bachelor's degree in Public Accounting and Business Administration from Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora in Buenos Aires.
    Started his career at JPM in 1983 as a financial analyst and foreign exchange trader, later advancing through roles as head of Sales, head trader, Treasurer, global head of Emerging Markets, co-head of Global Fixed Income, co-CEO of the Corporate & Investment Bank, and ultimately becoming President and Chief Operating Officer in January 2022.


    Daniel E. Pinto was born in Argentina and built an impressive career in the financial services industry. He holds a bachelor's degree in Public Accounting and Business Administration from Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora in Buenos Aires.

    Beginning his career in 1983 as a financial analyst and foreign exchange trader at Manufacturers Hanover, he quickly assumed leadership roles at Chemical Bank and Chase Manhattan, covering diverse markets in Latin America and later in Europe, Asia, and beyond.

    His career progressed with key positions including global head of Emerging Markets, co-head of Global Fixed Income, and co-CEO of the Corporate & Investment Bank, before he ultimately assumed the role of President and Chief Operating Officer in January 2022.

    Recognized for his strategic contributions and leadership, he has guided JPMorgan Chase through significant market milestones and continues to shape the firm’s future as he prepares for his planned retirement at the end of 2026 while remaining as Vice Chairman.

    Past Roles

    OrganizationRoleDate RangeDetails
    JPMorgan Chase & Co. Sole CEO of the Corporate & Investment Bank (CIB) March 2014 - January 2024 Held this role after being promoted from Co-CEO until transition to current position.
    JPMorgan Chase & Co. Co-President and Co-Chief Operating Officer of the Firm January 2018 - January 2022 Served until being promoted to sole President and Chief Operating Officer.
    JPMorgan Chase & Co. Co-CEO of the Corporate & Investment Bank (CIB) 2012 - March 2014 Held dual-CEO role before being promoted to sole CEO.

    Fixed Compensation

    Data from  FY 2023
    Component NameAmountPayment ScheduleAdditional Details
    Salary$1,500,000 Annual (2023)Includes £96,164 fee for J.P. Morgan Securities plc Board service.
    All Other Compensation$97,037 Annual (2023)Breakdown: $3,000 (employer contributions), $67,586 (tax compliance assistance), $26,451 (spousal travel).

    Performance Compensation

    Data from  FY 2023

    Cash Bonus

    Payment ScheduleOne-time bonus in 2023
    Performance MetricsNot specified
    Cap/LimitCapped at 25% of total compensation

    PSU Awards

    Grant DateJanuary 17, 2023
    Grant Date Fair Value$22,000,000
    Target PSUs156,715 units
    Maximum PSUs235,072 units (150% of target)
    Performance MetricAbsolute and relative ROTCE
    Absolute ROTCE ThresholdMax payout: 18% or greater; Zero payout: less than 6%
    Relative ROTCE Peer GroupIncludes Bank of America, Barclays, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, etc.
    Vesting ScheduleVest in five equal installments (2025–2029) with holding periods
    Evaluation Period2023–2025 performance period
    Risk-Based HurdleCET1 ratio below 8% can trigger downward adjustments