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    James Dimon

    Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer at JJPMorgan Chase & Co
    Since 2004
    68 years
    Graduated from Tufts University and earned an MBA from Harvard Business School.
    Joined JPM in 2004 when the firm merged with Bank One Corporation, then became Director in 2004, served as Chief Operating Officer from 2004 to 2005, President from 2004 to 2018, was appointed Chief Executive Officer in 2005, and became Chairman of the Board in 2006.
    Other Roles
    Member of the Board of Deans, Harvard Business School; Director, Catalyst; Member, Business Roundtable; Member, Business Council; Trustee, New York University School of Medicine


    James Dimon is 68 years old as of December 31, 2024, and is widely recognized for his significant contributions to the financial services industry.

    He began his journey at JPMorgan Chase in 2004 through a pivotal merger with Bank One Corporation, where he had served as Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. His early roles emphasized leadership and operational excellence, which paved the way for his rapid advancement within the firm.

    Throughout his career at JPM, he has held multiple senior positions including Director, Chief Operating Officer, President, Chief Executive Officer, and Chairman. His strategic vision and deep operational expertise have been instrumental in driving the growth and global presence of the firm, establishing him as a leading figure in the industry.

    Fixed Compensation

    Data from  FY 2024
    Component NameAmountPayment ScheduleAdditional Details
    Annual Base Salary$1,500,000 AnnuallyOnly fixed compensation component for 2024

    Performance Compensation

    Data from  FY 2024

    Cash Component

    Payment DeliveryCash
    Performance ConditionsNo specific performance targets specified

    Performance Share Units (PSUs) Component

    Amount$32,500,000 in PSUs
    Performance MetricReturn on Tangible Common Equity (ROTCE)
    Performance GoalsAbsolute and relative performance goals (exact thresholds not disclosed)
    Vesting ScheduleVest on March 25, 2026 with a two-year holding period post vesting
    Grant DateJanuary 16, 2024
    Grant Date Fair Value$32,500,000 total (aggregate PSU value)
    Grant Date Stock PriceNot provided
    Additional DetailsRepresents 87% of variable incentive compensation; includes clawback and recovery provisions